OpenAI Started Its Banning Game!

AND: New Report on Job Threatened by AI!

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Welcome back to “Incredible AI.”

As promised, ChatGPT’s parent company OpenAI is taking AI’s use in politics very seriously. OpenAI has pulled the plug on a bot that was impersonating Congressman Dean Phillips.

If you were hoping for a chat with your favorite politician via AI, you might need to wait a bit longer. But don’t worry, we’ve got plenty more AI news to keep you entertained.

Today in the “Incredible AI” world:

  • OpenAI Started Its Banning Game

  • New Report on Job Threatened by AI

  • TOP AI TOOLS of the DAY

  • Zuckerberg Says Meta is Going All in on AGI

  • Everything to Know about Apple’s Vision Pro

  • TOP TECH NEWS of the DAY

OpenAI Suspends Bot Developer for Congressman Dean Phillips:

OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, has taken action against a bot developer who created a bot mimicking Congressman Dean Phillips, a Democratic presidential hopeful. This is the first time OpenAI has responded to what it perceives as misuse of its AI tools in a political campaign.

The bot, known as Dean.Bot, was developed by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Matt Krisiloff and Jed Somers. They started a super PAC named We Deserve Better to support Phillips, ahead of the New Hampshire primary1.

The super PAC received $1 million from billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman. The PAC contracted with AI start-up Delphi to build the bot. However, OpenAI suspended Delphi’s account, citing a violation of its rules banning the use of its technology in political campaigns.

Dean.Bot, which had a disclaimer stating it was an AI tool, could converse with voters in real-time through a website. This early use of emerging technology could potentially harm elections, according to researchers.

AI Job Apocalypse - Not So Fast:

The Big Question: Will AI steal our jobs? Not so fast, says a new study from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). The researchers argue that many jobs previously thought to be at risk of automation aren’t economically beneficial to automate.

The Unexpected Findings: Contrary to popular belief, the MIT researchers found that most jobs identified as being at risk of AI displacement aren’t economically beneficial to automate. So, the AI disruption might happen slower and less dramatically than some commentators suggest.

The Future of AI and Jobs: The study suggests that AI’s impact on jobs might be less severe than expected. However, the researchers didn’t investigate the potential impact of text- and image-generating models on workers and the economy.

The Bottom Line: While AI has the potential to automate tasks, many of these tasks are not yet attractive to automate. So, keep calm and carry on, the robots aren’t taking over just yet.

- TOP AI TOOLS of the DAY -

Lume: Automate data mappings with AI. Create your data pipelines 10x faster by mapping data in seconds.

Modelize AI: Generates custom workflows for your team projects, marketing campaigns, and more.

Camp: Fix your screenshot mess with AI.

PopAI: A personal AI assistant that can read any document, draft long articles, suggest coding solutions, or help with data analysis.

DGM: Professional diagrams for the web and AI. You can make any type of diagram easily with smart shapes.

Meta’s Big Leap into Artificial General Intelligence:

Zuckerberg’s Announcement: Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, recently shared the company’s ambitious plans for artificial general intelligence (AGI). He emphasized the importance of AGI in our daily lives and its potential to revolutionize AI services.

Investing in Infrastructure: To support these goals, Meta is significantly ramping up its infrastructure. By year’s end, they aim to have 350,000 Nvidia H100s, effectively doubling their current investment.

Understanding AGI: AGI refers to AI that can perform complex tasks as well as humans, without needing human instruction. This could greatly enhance AI’s ability to assist humans.

The Future of AI: With AGI, AI could function autonomously, opening up new possibilities for tasks it can perform. However, this also raises concerns due to its ability to mimic human behavior.

Everything you need to know about Apple’s Vision Pro headset:

Apple’s New Reality: Apple has entered the mixed-reality market with a bang! The Vision Pro, their latest offering, is set to redefine our perception of reality. It’s like they’ve picked a star from the sky and put it in our hands!

Features Galore: The Vision Pro is rumored to be packed with features that would make even a Swiss Army knife blush. From 4K microOLED displays to iris tracking, it’s like a tech enthusiast’s Christmas came early.

Availability and Pricing: Hold on to your wallets, folks! The Vision Pro is expected to hit the shelves as early as spring 20232. But with a price tag rumored to be around $3,000, it seems Apple is really testing how much we love our gadgets.

In Conclusion: In the world of tech, Apple has always been the apple of our eye. With the Vision Pro, they’re not just thinking outside the box, they’re redefining it. So, are you ready to step into the future?

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- TOP TECH NEWS of the DAY -

Sam Altman developing new AI “Brain Chips” or Neuromorphic chips.

Meta stockpiling powerful NVIDIA GPUs for AGI development.

→ Voice cloning startup ElevenLabs lands $80M, and achieves unicorn status.

Microsoft ‘senior leadership’ emails accessed by Russian SolarWinds hackers.

ByteDance AI Research Unveils Reinforced Fine-Tuning (ReFT) Method to Enhance the Generalizability of Learning LLMs for Reasoning.

iOS 17.3 is out, adding Stolen Device Protection for your iPhone. The new security feature for iPhones requires Face ID or Touch ID for certain actions.

ChatGPT will formally be rolled out in all Australian schools for the first time this year following the education ministers’ backing of a framework guiding AI use.

I hope you enjoyed today’s edition of the ‘Incredible AI.’

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